Beyond Motherhood | Rediscover your True North

It may be rather pedestrian, but my interest in photography began when my kids were little (4, 7, 10, & 13).

And cute.

And not at all camera averse.


To be precise, it began not too long after I started this blog (2008).  We were living away from family and friends and I wanted to keep an online journal of our life, complete with photos, so they could keep up on the goings on of the VonSosens.  The more I hopped around the web and read other blogs, the more I realized that my photos were really awful (If you go back far enough in this blog, you’ll see what I’m talking about).  So I pulled my camera manual out and actually read it from cover to cover.  I realized that I actually had a pretty decent camera and I should probably figure out how to use it.

Thus began my self education. I collected a horde of workshops along the way, online and in-person.  My kids were always happy to jump in at a moment’s notice to help me practice techniques.  When I was learning about panning, my son was there on his bike at the ready.  When the technique was shutter speed, the kids were happy to climb on our bed and jump as high as they could.  Low light was met with midnight refrigerator raids by anyone still awake.  My daughter was always up for a shoot during the golden hour if it meant she could post it on her Insta feed. In short, I have a drawer full of hard drives documenting my kids throughout their childhoods. (I’ve actually printed some too, although not enough.  Print out your photos!)

Now here I am seven years later with a much better camera (or two), a small arsenal of lenses, a portrait business that I absolutely love, and kids/adults who have gotten older (I’ll let you do the math) and have their own things going on.  One’s married and living the newlywed life.  One’s just finishing up high school this year, getting ready to set out on his own soon.  One is in the trenches of his freshman year of high school and towers over me by at least 7 inches.  And my youngest is happy to be front of my camera as long as there’s a monetary or Lego reward involved.

Photo by Jacque Lynn Photo
Photo by Jacque Lynn Photo

Life is different as a photographer when your kids are older.

When my daughter, my muse, left for college a few years ago, I started to worry what would happen to me as a photographer when my kids were all grown up.  I still loved photography.  I still wanted to learn and grow and experiment but how would that work when I didn’t have my kids to model for me?  And with an Instagram feed full of beautiful little kids bouncing on beds and eating ice cream cones and running through sprinklers and snuggling with their dog, where would I fit into the photography community as a photographer with older kids?  How would I stay relevant?  Where would I find inspiration?  Where would I point my camera?  What would I do with all of the knowledge and skills I’d accumulated?  Would I still be a ‘Mom with a camera’?

Let me be clear, I love my portrait business and my clients and have never had any intentions on giving that up.  But my growth and experimentation has always happened outside of my business with personal projects and personal work with my kids.   My passion for photography has always come from the desire to document my kids in a beautiful way.  I take all of that experience, knowledge, and skill into my business so my clients can benefit from what I’ve learned so that they will have beautiful photos of their own families.  But the growth and experimentation happens on my own time not on my clients’ time.

These questions and concerns have been on my mind for several years.  I’ve had conversations with other photographers who are in the same boat as I am.  We’ve decided that it’s like we’ve “gone dark”.  Without photos of our kids, we’re left posting photos of our breakfast or our sneakered feet, or our dog.  Or nothing at all.  Our kids certainly don’t want us embarrassing them by posting photos on our social media feeds of them studying for the SAT or getting ready for a date or playing video games.  It’s a strange turning point.  Without little kids, it’s easy to just hang up your camera and declare the end of a phase in life.   

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be so!  I want you to rediscover your passion and curiosity for photography and find your True North – your purpose for photography – not only while the kids are little, but throughout your life.  I’ve been working on this myself and can tell you that photography doesn’t have to end when the kids are grown.  Your purpose just has to be redirected into other things that you’re passionate, or simple just curious, about. You may just find that you’ve changed from a ‘Mom with a camera’ to a ‘Photographer with a camera’.

I’m so excited to be teaming up with The Bloom Forum to teach a 3 week workshop to help you do just that!  It’s called Beyond Motherhood – Finding your True North and I’ll be teaching it January 25- February 14.

January 2016 workshop

Did your journey in photography begin when your kids came along? Are those tiny people,  growing up and beginning to shun your camera?  Are you wondering what’s next? Rediscover your True North by Connecting with your purpose and reigniting your passion for photography beyond motherhood and through all stages of your life. Passion doesn’t end when the kids grow up and is the key to producing meaningful images. Determining what’s closest to your heart and then pointing your camera towards those passions creates art and beauty with meaning. The purpose of this 3 week course is to identify your individual passions and combine those passions with photography.

Beyond Motherhood Wendy VonSosen PhotographyBeyond Motherhood3

This workshop will begin with a detailed questionnaire specifically designed for this course which will help you hone in on your passions – causes, ideas, beliefs, and subjects that are most important to you. We will then explore how to create personal projects around those passions.  Lastly we will talk about how to take those personal projects to the next level by publishing, promoting, and profiting from them.  Weekly assignments, discussions, inspiration, and individual feedback are included during the 3 weeks that we’ll be together.  Be prepared to do some soul searching and goal setting that will help point you toward your True North and get you on the path toward meaningful creativity.

Beyond Motherhood Wendy VonSosen PhotographyBeyond Motherhood Wendy VonSosen Photography

Topics that we’ll cover:
Week 1: Reconnect with Your Passion
Solitude & Reflection

Week 2: Creating Personal Projects
Originality vs. Authenticity

Week 3: Profiting from your Personal Projects

*To get the most out of this interactive workshop, active participation is highly recommended.

Beyond Motherhood Wendy VonSosen PhotographyBeyond Motherhood Wendy VonSosen Photography

1. This workshop is for Bloom Forum members only, therefore, you must be a member of the forum to take the workshop. To become a member, simply click HERE to sign up.
2. Registration links are below.
3. This 3-week workshop will run from January 25th – February 14th, 2016.
4. 20 active seats are available at $250.00.
5. 20 silent seats are available at $200.00 per seat. Silent seats are read-along only. They will be able to view all the workshop material but cannot post inside the workshop section, email Wendy and get cc on their homework. A separate section will be available where silent students can interact with each other and post assignments if they choose. Silent students will receive the PDF at the conclusion of the class with the information from the workshop.
6. The private workshop information will be available for one month after the workshop ends.
7. This is an online workshop and students work at their own pace within the allotted workshop dates.
8. Registration is now open on a first come first serve basis.

To sign up for an active seat, CLICK HERE

To sign up for a silent seat, CLICK HERE

1. Once you register your PayPal receipt will act as your confirmation to the workshop.
2. If your Paypal email address is not your daily contact email, please contact Wendy at and let her know. The only email she will have on file is your Paypal one and that will be the one she will use to contact you unless otherwise noted.
3. No refunds are given once a seat is purchased, however, you can sell your seat on your own.

If you’re in search of your true north, I would love to have you join me in this workshop!

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